We have created a custom product tailored to those who design and produce precast hollow core slabs. From industrial slab producers to niche manufacturers FloorCAD is unrivaled in its ability to improve business performance.
Our clients are more responsive to their customers requirements, have more flexibility when planning production and have increased utilization and efficiency to record levels. All of these benefits have had a huge impact on there bottom line, and has allowed them to grow
their average job size and reduce their slab cost per unit area.
FloorCAD helps them achieve these benefits with the following functionality:
- Custom profiles and functionality for insulated slab ends
- Automatic floor layout
- Automatic Bed Layout with Smart sorting and Production Make Sheets
- Automated work-order creation
- Load planning & bed planning
- Fully automated and remote Bed Plotter planning and production
If you would like to recieve a live demonstration on how to achieve these benefits, please fill out the form below and we will be in touch very soon.